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Generalised Anxiety Disorder

Do you worry a lot about embarrassing yourself in front of others? Do you worry about what people might think of you? Do you feel anxious...

Male rape and arousal

Being a survivor of CSA which I documented in an earlier blog I’ve decided to write about a subject that so many people are suffering in...

The Hangover Effect

It is a known fact that people can become sick from drinking. This is usually the following day. In fact a “Hangover” is a term millions...

Broken Trust +Innocence

Warning some people might find this upsetting or disturbing. I’m Going to speak out about my own experience of child sex abuse. The...

Guiding light

The stars shine bright on me tonight Because your the one my guiding light That keeps me safe when you shine so bright reassuring me it’s...

AA Is Not The Only Way!

Ok here goes . tin hat on. I called my website/blog My way your way for a reason . AA Is NOT the only way. Before i explain my Reasoning...

Alcohol and Anxiety

People drink or spiral into addiction for all sorts of reasons. One of the main reasons I drank was to take away any feelings of Anxiety...

Memory Lane

As I walk down memory lane it causes me so much pain these thoughts that rain inside My brain are driving me insane and it’s times like...

Blog: Blog2
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