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The alcoholic solution

Updated: Jul 30, 2023

Hi guys it's joe 11 /6/23 It's been a while since I've written about alcoholism . Today I want to talk about a day in the life of someone struggling with alcoholism. And also what is the Solution to the problem. Before I start I'd like to mention the Twitter community and some of the special people I've came across. In no particular order - here goes if your on Twitter @chriswild ( chris is a best selling author and his two books damaged and his latest " The State of it " which I was lucky enough to get a signed copy are must reads. If you ain't familiar with chris look him up. Chris has a powerful story , he lost his dad at 11 and ended up in a broken care system that he now campaigns passionately to help the most vulnerable people in care and I'd like to personally thank chris for mthe work he does as he is an inspiration and I suggest you check out his books as it's not my story to tell.

I'd also like to give a mention to Jeff Johnston who lives across the pond in the USA 🇺🇸 I'm in Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿. Jeff is another inspiration, Jeff unfortunately lost his son Seth at 23 in 2017 to fentanyl poisoning and to add to that tragedy he sadly lost his beloved wife of 21 years prudence in 2021. Jeff battled alcohol and contemplated taking his own life, he courageously fought back and is now prominent in campaigning to raise awareness on substance abuse and mental health and ending the stigma. Anyone wanting to know more about Jeff's story he can be found on Twitter @undeterreddad or .

I'd like to thank Jeff for his friendship and work he does to spread awareness on suicide prevention and mental health 🇺🇸. Ok so this blog is called " The Alcoholic solution ". Alcoholism is misunderstood even by health professionals so I'm going to try give an insight on a personal level . Here goes. When an alcohol dependant person wakes up ? How do they feel? I'll tell you ? They feel absolutely horrible, they feel like absolute fucking shit. As soon as they open their eyes the toxic effects of the substance are making them feel ill because alcohol is a poison. It's the legal poison that the very night before had them filled with false energy. The false energy is now making the alcoholic feel weak, The lethargy is like being shot by a fucking dart tranquilizer that was intended for a white rhino it fucks up the central nervous system making them feel vulnerable with a general feeling of being unable to cope. If you don't believe me then think of this? Think how you felt when you were last sick as in really I'll with an infection or viral bug or Covid 19 . Did you feel full of life ? Or raring to go ? Or did you feel vulnerable?

Physical well-being has an impact on our mental well-being. Any animal that is ill wouldn't be out fighting or hunting its prey. The reason being it needs time to recover from the illness to give itself the best chance of survival. Nature ensures that the sick animal loses confidence and no longer wants to go looking for a mate or hunting. The alcohol dependant person is also depressed because of the chemical depression caused by the after effects of drinking alcohol. The chances are when an alcoholic ( " I hate that word" ) reaches such states as relationship problems, health problems and probably broken friendships ect .Then that will substantially have effected the suffering alcoholic or person dependant on alcohol because make no mistake about what I am about to say.

People who have became dependent on alcohol are suffering unimaginable psychological torture. These things I've mentioned would make any sane person depressed never mind someone who has a need for alcohol just to concentrate . What adds to this and I spoke about it in another blog is the magnitude of anxiety that alcohol creates when its anaesthetising effects have worn off. People who have become alcohol dependent suffer much more than a hangover. The reality is if they drink anymore they might die " seizures" " withdrawal " The more an alcoholic drinks ( anyone for that matter) the more anxious they will feel afterwards.

This is what causes the jitters or shakes. This effect is completely logical if you take time to think about it . The human brain ain't designed to be in a constant state of intoxication from a chemical depressant. If this was the case then the brain would naturally be equipped with such a chemical in the same way it is with endorphins and andrenaline , and would release it into the brain and body naturally on a regular basis , if that makes sense ?

When we place a chemical depressant into the body , our brain reacts by releasing something to counteract this , a stimulant, therefore parts of the brain becomes more sensitive. The alcohol quickly wears off and our body ( brain) is left with the stimulant not the chemical depressant. This leaves alcoholics feeling overly anxious and full of fear and apprehension.

The alcoholic is literally caught between the devil and the deep blue sea . Or a rock and a hard place. They either abstain ( don't lift a drink) in which case they end up in a very bad way because their body has become dependent on it to function. ( could take a seizure and die) .They have a mental deficiency that is made to feel normal by drinking alcohol this is because the alcohol abuse has created a chemical imbalance in the brain. There is a medicine called ( campral) that helps restore this but the alcoholic needs to maintain abstinence.

The term Alcoholic is misunderstood. So called alcoholics I say " so called " as there's so much more to it . Such people who are constantly physically and mentally exausted. The fact of the matter is this so please borne those in mind and take this into account - the alcoholic drinks to function and regain concentration ect this works by the alcoholic drinking enough to counteract the stimulating effect that not only was causing them to feel like fucking shit " sorry for swearing AGAIN!", unpleasant and occasionally sometimes constantly suicidal.

The alcohol is the only thing keeping a permanently ( terminally) exhausted mind and body awake. The alcoholic is NOT a bad person, they are someone who has found themselves in a seemingly Impossible situation and trying to navigate their way through life making their decisions based on their personal circumstances at that moment in time. Unfortunately, because of stigma and ignorance and a general misunderstanding of alcohol the alcoholic makes the decision to carry on drinking .

This is not their fault. This is where " THE SOLUTION V PROBLEM has to be given serious and rational thought because such people are not equipped with the tools and life skills to get better because they are frowned upon by society and judged. Therefore they see no light at the end of the tunnel.

I've have been at rock bottom myself, before I met my wife I lived myself and found empty bottles everywhere, I was lyterally hiding them from myself because I felt ashamed. "Don't count the days " make the days COUNT " as for dysfunctional families? Which seems to be at the centre of a lot of alcoholics. Toxic memories from childhood ect. Move on with your life " you can't water a dead plant🌱 " your mental health and happiness comes first. Be kind to yourself. Be the reason someone smiles today , wether it's a stranger in the street or even online , always remember your story could not only inspire others but it could save life's. Even my own better out than in right? I feel better as a whole when trying to do something unselfish and for no personal gain.

I think the obvious step to solving alcohol dependence is obviously admitting you have a problem. However it's important to remember that when someone has became alcohol dependent?. Noticed I've used the word dependent and not alcoholic? Think of a chocoholic they enjoy chocolate. Alcoholics drink not because they enjoy it but because their body needs it to function to do basic tasks. The mind struggles to concentrate. What normal human being would enjoy , getting divorced, not seeing their kids or worse becoming homeless or in the jail because of something the can't remember doing . Part of the solution is other people, society in general to realise if the stigma stopped then more people would get help . Too many people don't seek help even though they want it through shame and fear of being judged .

Before I go another special person worth a mention is Ryan Hampton his story is mind blowing I engage with Ryan occasionally on Twitter.@RyanForRecovery Ryan worked in the white house when bill Clinton was president and the message he carries for recovery is strength and hope but it's not my story to tell . Anyone intrested in finding out more can find Ryan on Twitter @RyanForRecovery thanks for stopping by - If anyone wants to follow my journey also my diet journey they can find me on Twitter @joeyoung2021 take care and have a great weekend. Remember this . Addiction is giving up everything for one thing - Recovery is giving up one thing for EVERYTHING! ❤️

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