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AA Is Not The Only Way!

Updated: Jul 21, 2022

Ok here goes . tin hat on. I called my website/blog My way your way for a reason . AA Is NOT the only way. Before i explain my Reasoning behind this ? i attended AA For just under a year and met a lot of great people đŸ€ so much so that two of them were at my wedding and remain good friends to this day😁 . AA is full of fundamental flaws i will point a few of them out as id honestly be here all day. AA is comparable to a cult as it teaches people that they are powerless over alcohol that is complete nonsense ,it teaches people that they have to rely on a supernatural being and that getting sober is down to god or a higher power entering the persons soulđŸ‘».This system is built on a fallacy. In fact is so easy for this system to crash and burn ( go wrong).Everyone has bad days it dosen't matter if they are drinkers đŸșor non drinkers or even ex drinkers because when these days happen and they happen to us all. Its on these type of days that the AA convert can start to almost feel like they have been abandoned by god..Suddenly the full thing can come crashing down đŸ’„and fall to pieces and crumple.The ideology that you can have a god of your own understanding is laughable. Think about this seriously. I`m not trying to cause controversy .However ask yourself this honestly and logically . if i says my GOD of my own understanding was a packet of johnny onion rings crisps do you think any sane person would take that serious. Now remember this its a GOD of MY "OWN UNDERSTANDING" Anyone who believes this to be true has abandoned all logic and reason. What works for one person might not work for someone else, but what really matters is we all work together as there is truly NO RIGHT OR WRONG WAY. That was my i called this website . CONSTRUCTIVE criticism is always welcome. i dont write for self gain. i write my own thoughts and hope they make some sort of sense . AA Taught me a lot of good things but its not the only way . I hope i have not offended anyone.

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