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Alcohol and Anxiety

Updated: Jul 30, 2023

People drink or spiral into addiction for all sorts of reasons. One of the main reasons I drank was to take away any feelings of Anxiety and also self meditate to regulate my moods when I felt low. Millions of people suffer from Anxiety so I thought maybe this will be a good place to start. As my next peice of writing is going to be a chapter about why AA is NOT the ONLY way .I might be taking a chance with that subject but I’ll try word it as best as I can and hopefully don’t offend anyone.

Ok here goes .🤔.Think of someone extremely anxious going to a social gathering or party ? Perhaps even a family gathering but they are an introvert and feel extremely uncomfortable? While such occasions can be enjoyable they can also be extremely stressful, meeting and talking to people who we don’t really know, even making approaches to the opposite sex . How many times have people used alcohol and approached someone and been rebuffed?

.Alcohol being an anaesthetic suppresses the feeling of stress and also fear and anxiety and provides us with an immediate boost.However that benefit is an illusion . The reason I’m saying this ? Well? No matter how shy or inhibited a person is ?the reality is that the psychological process in a social situation is that the feeling of stress and apprehension will naturally decline as the event unfolds and progresses ,WITH our WITHOUT alcohol.

If you think about it logically? This makes sense. As most events are never as bad as we fear and as the social event nears the end we actually find ourselves starting to relax, and usually ( not all of the time) but usually start to enjoy ourselves. If you are reading this and don’t believe me? Then think about this? . Look at how young children react when they are going to a party 🎉. When the first get there they won’t leave their parents side as they come across as shy. However when it’s time to leave they are going fucking mental and throwing tantrums and screaming that they don’t want to leave.

When we are entirely relaxed and comfortable our brains release chemicals to make us happy and relaxed, go back to my children at parties analogy ? They don’t drink alcohol but as soon as they settle then they become euphoric. The key thing that WE all must remember is this ? We have to be completely relaxed to have that feeling.

There’s two points I’m making here. Firstly if you drink alcohol to cure or relieve Anxiety during stressful or awkward social situations then , alcohol gets all the credit for the happy feeling you would have got anyway if you were not so busy overthinking everything.This is why people feel different going out with friends, compared to sitting alone at home drinking themselves. ( I’m not really a social person tbh) My second point , sorry if you’ve grown a beard or need to shave your legs 🦵 😂.

My second point is this >> If you or anyone else myself included have cut out alcohol then feel deprived, then the next time you attend a social occasion you will not be relaxed and happy , Anxiety will kick in thus you will not get the naturally occurring boost and feel good factor. Why ? Because we need to be relaxed and happy for the body’s natural chemicals to be released if you feel deprived of alcohol and miserable then you won’t receive that natural feel good factor.

I’ll not lie I feel extremely awkward in forced situations. I have no time for small talk. Talk to me about science, nature, and Dogs or music or even religion then I would talk all day. My new thing is stoicism.

I don’t talk for the sake of it as I find it taxing and mentally draining…. Anyways I’m off for now I hope I made some sense and if not I’ll just start from scratch 😂😂. Have a great day wherever you happen to be in the world. I want to help inspire people and help people and give them the knowledge I was freely given to me and also give my own take on things , wee mixture. .. I've also covered borderline personality disorder ., as well as ASD living with non verbal boys . I will continue to do so .Just building this site slowly as it’s the holidays and family is everything to me but so is keeping my feet on the ground. Joe young 17/6/23 ❤️P.s I'll try link some stuff at the bottom of this as I'm big on mental health and addiction. Thanks again for dropping by. My site always tells me what country and state a visitor is from , from the USA to Ukraine ,Kenya , Australia and New Zealand to name a few , and I always look up on things and find out little facts about the origin of whoever has logged in I love reading up on new things .I wish I could do more and be more active but my home life dosent allow me the time . Its amazing especially with addiction and mental health how far apart we can be in the world yet feel like we are sat in the same room such is our passion for the same cause.

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