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BPD &ME ⬇️

Updated: Jul 30, 2023

Hi there thanks for having a look. Sorry about the photo , I badly need a shave 🪒 .Maybe youl grow a beard reading this if your a man and if your a lady ? Maybe you’ll need to wax your legs lol . Something for me to think about ? Every month do a free raffle with a bunch of mac 3 razors 🪒 as a thank you to my readers . Thats if I even have any 😂. I used to be extremely self concious but I thought to myself know what? Everyone has good days and bad days. Which brings me to the subject of BPD in my case “ EUPD” and to be pedantic it’s on google as (EUPD F60.3) explosive type. Hold on im getting triggered trying to listen to music and someone is repeatedly tapping me on the shoulder? major trigger 💥💥💥💥 .I’m only joking “ well not really “ half kidding “ I’ve no headphones or music on at this moment. However stuff like that can be a trigger for some people living with Borderline Personality Disorder. I was rather surprised that us borderlines share many autistic traits . ( I have two Non Verbal boys with autism). Indeed it makes sense as “BPD “ is on a spectrum” .Something I didn’t know until recently.For example many of us Borderlines do NOT cope well with changes to our routines. This could be unexpected visitors, or something as simple as an appointment being rescheduled 1 hour later than planned. Suddenly any enjoyment has disintegrated 🔥🔥🔥. Happiness becomes rage, followed by sadness, in turn followed by extreme stress and anxiety. All these emotions can cycle together and clash and collide in literally the space of 10 seconds these bouts of emotions become “unstable “ leading to erratic decisions. Perhaps blaming another member of your own family for talking or distracting you and blaming them for the sudden bout of pyscological stress ect. If a loved one diagnosed or undiagnosed lashes out in such a manner please don’t think they suddenly hate you the fact of the matter is in all probability they love ❤️ you with all their heart. I can only talk from personal experiences obviously , but my own experience is this? I only ever and I mean “ever“ lash out at the people I love. Sounds bizarre I know but it’s honestly true. Well from my perspective anyways. The way I see things is ? if it’s “something“ or “someone” I have no time for ? Then I’ll not bother my arse. Borderlines only lash out ( not violently) maybe some do ? But in my case I have a tounge that could strip paint off a wall.That might stand me in good stead as Im Looking to become politically active😂😂. Theres actually a scale of 1-5 of Borderline Rage and an idea of what’s going on in their mind at that moment in time . It can be found by a 5 min search on google . If anyone wants to see it ? I’m on Twitter (Joeyoung2021 ) I will kindly pass it on . It’s basically similar to an emotion wheel. Speaking of which is another brilliant tool for people to understand how to control their triggers. The emotion wheel allows people to understand the core of the emotion that the person is feeling and how it relates to the next emotion that will almost certainly come if not brought under control .I’m still working on that I’m not perfect 😁. Go check it out for yourself and see what you think. Thanks to anyone who has taken the time to read this . I’m typing with 1 finger on my phone and it’s slowing me down. Nearly bed time for my boys. My teenage daughter is watching “ I am Daniel Blake” with my wife such a sad story but “ Real life “ it carries a powerful message. Im sorry I’ve not written more Tonight 4/1/23/ . Im also sorry to anyone who enjoys my blogs and not seen anything in a while . I’m certain I’ll publish something else tomorrow.I’m going to be more prominent on this website and use my laptop and get things done quicker. I think the issue I have is I have so much to share that I genuinely never know where to start or what subject to cover? heavy alcohol abuse can also mask “BPD” as many people are seen as alcoholics when in reality they are drinking to mask the painful emotions that they feel. Sometimes it can be triggered by CSA, witnessing domestic violence as a child, or being bullied. I don’t like the fact that I need a shave in this photo but the reason I put this up is it was a book sent to me by . Chris wild the best selling author of “Damaged” and also “The State Of It” reading Chris’s personal take on the social care system inspired me to appreciate the small things in life . My only sister lost her battle with addiction 4 years ago and died with heroin and street diazepam in her system the toxicology took so long I never got to see her face again. That meant my two beautifull nieces being taken into care and separated and adopted . It really really hit me hard so reading Chris books sent shivers down my spine . He is right the care system is broken and I for one want to become politically active . I’ve joined the Labour party and as a wise person once told me “ If you really want change “ then ? “ you need to be sitting next to the people making the decisions” That goes for a lot of things not just the care system as there’s lots of things broken. I want to thank chris for enable me to have something to cherish. I am not a materialistic person money can’t buy me .I absolutely love ❤️ dogs especially “ Saint Bernards “I love ❤️ straight talking honest people who wear their heart on there sleeves . Perhaps I’m too honest “ need to change if I want to be a politician 😂😂😂. I’m sorry I’ve went off subject a bit haven’t I ? Well thanks again for stopping by and wherever you are no matter your sex , race or gender remember that coming back from mental illness or addiction requires a strength of character and also resilience, if your still reading then you have it in abundance “ stronger together “ 💪💙

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