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Broken Trust +Innocence

Updated: Nov 28, 2022

Warning some people might find this upsetting or disturbing. I’m Going to speak out about my own experience of child sex abuse. The driving force behind this article is the fact I have two young sons ASD non verbal and I see them as vulnerable to the kind of people that I’m going to talk about because they would not be able to tell me if something happened that I didn’t know about . Ok here goes I was brought up with my grandparents since the age of 2 ( I still don’t know the real reason why) . Anyways 1 night when I was at my dads on the odd occasion I was actually at his house he was more interested in getting drunk so he went to the pub ( this isn’t surprising to me as he did it on at least 3 occasions) left me to get babysat off his neighbour ( different ones each time . ( not joking) so he could go get drunk / shit faced. On this particular occasion his younger brother was babysitting me. Along with my younger brother and only sister who sadly died of an overdose 3 years ago. Her children got taken into care and split up despite me applying for kinship anyways that’s for another time . So what proceeded to happen , I was at primary school roughly 5 years old. And my uncle started masturbating and was telling me to lick it 👅 and that it was ginger ( Scottish for fizzy juice ) after he ejaculated he put his finger in my mouth and asked me to taste it. While my guardian was doing the toilet I says “ uncle ###### says that’s ginger? He never babysat me again. That was their solution. Allowing a pedophile to Masquerade in society. I’ve been told I was never there that it’s “ All in my head” no it’s not I can name every neighbour and even tell you the full lay out of the house even though it’s knocked down I could sit and explain every detail . When my BPD is bad I can get angry thinking about it because I don’t like the idea certain people are making me out a nutter. " it's all in my head" ect .So there’s a part of me that would love to eyeball him in court , I've thought about it many many times but I don’t want to drag my wife through that or my teenage daughter and with my kids being on the spectrum I’d rather let it go. The problem I have is how many people have let it go? Leading to someone else being assaulted. In my eyes and it breaks my ❤️ to say this the people saying that it never happened are as bad as the molester /abuser. . 1 common narrative ive noticed is every victim has near identical stories ( That never happened “ it’s all in your head “ . There’s millions of us out there… YOU🫵 Are NOT alone . #strongertogether twitter>#joeyoung2021 … 21st July 2022…. Sorry I never wrote deeper but didn’t want to trigger myself by going into too much detail as I could have wrote a hell of a lot more . I hope if your reading this you find comfort knowing “it’s not all in your head “ and websites like this is a safe haven for support ❤️

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