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Updated: Jul 30, 2023

Hi guys it’s joe again. I’m going to write a bit about a “rare” mood disorder that can sometimes be misdiagnosed because of the symptoms. I have it along with #BPD it is called cyclothymia ( Cyclothymic Disorder) in most cases underlying Anxiety is also present . It’s also known as “Mild Bipolar” as it’s not severe enough ( so the experts say) to meet the criteria for Bipolar ll although if left untreated it can indeed escalate into full on bipolar . So I don’t think it’s very mild but that’s just my opinion. People with cyclothymia go through periods of elevated mood called hypomania. People in a hypomanic state may feel euphoric, creative, or productive, ( in my case writing songs and being hell bent on going to a recording studio because of my confidence levels ) people who have cyclothymia tend to operate on less sleep per night than usual. Usually when they are ( Hypomanic) These feelings can be coupled with irritability,recklessness and impulsiveness. Hypomania can lead some people to make poor decisions or take risky behavior that can have negative consequences.experience short episodes of milddepression. The downside is the feeling never last long after the feel good factor ( in my case usually 3 days ) come the feelings of hopelessness, fatigue, apathy, and irritibility . During this time, a person may withdraw from friends and family and

have problems concentrating or remembering. These swings in mood and temperament often negatively impact a person's work and social life. Cyclothymia is rare, affecting less than 1% of the population. Because it is often diagnosed as another disorder because the symptoms are similar to other mood ( mental disorders) Signs and symptoms of the highs of cyclothymia probably include: An exaggerated feeling of happiness or well-

being (euphoria) Extreme optimism

Inflated self-esteem Talking more than usual

Poor judgment that can result in risky behavior or unwise choices or have

Racing thoughts Irritable or feel agitated Excessive physical activity Increased drive to perform or achieve Decreased need for sleep and also a Tendency to be easily distracted. There’s a depressed side to cyclothymia that includes Feeling sad, hopeless or empty ,Tearfulness

Irritability, especially in children and teenagers Loss of interest in activities once considered enjoyable Changes in weight Feelings of worthlessness or guilt Sleep problems Restlessness ,Fatigue or sometimes feeling slowed down Problems concentrating .Even thinking of death or suicide. Cyclothymia symptoms are similar to those of bipolar I or Il disorder, but they're less severe. ( I don’t think so ) When you have cyclothymia, you can typically function in your daily life, though not always well. The unpredictable nature of your mood shifts may significantly disrupt your life because you never know how you're going to feel. I hope someone found this helpful as I think a lot of people have it but haven’t heard of if so therefore have not been diagnosed.

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