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Generalised Anxiety Disorder

Updated: Jul 30, 2023

Do you worry a lot about embarrassing yourself in front of others? Do you worry about what people might think of you? Do you feel anxious in social situations? Do you worry about behaving anxiously in any of the following situations ? Public speaking

Eating/drinking in front of other people?

Parties and other social gatherings?

Do you avoid any of the above situations because they make you feel anxious ?if any of this sounds familiar then I understand how you feel .

I suffer from Anxiety and panic disorder. Not sure there’s much I don’t suffer from 😂😂.. Most people feel nervous or stressed at some point, but when you're living with anxiety, that restless feeling never ever really fully goes away. I’ve had it since childhood and is had a negative impact on my life.

Anxiety is a feeling and emotion of excessive and prolonged worry, a sense of dread and generalized tension. Fear and anxiety are similar emotions but have important differences. While fear is based on a specific threat and is relatively short. anxiety has no definite basis and often prolonged.

We all experience anxiety at

some level. However having generalised anxiety disorder is like being on a plane ✈️ with no parachute 🪂 waiting for the engines to fail. It’s is a fear crippling like no other. Unable to talk to neighbours avoiding family and friends having a mobile phone but never answering calls . Having family visit and counting the mins to they leave as they are invading your space and you feel claustrophobic.

Excessive worry about issues has been associated with the disruption of the activities of the (amygdala), which is a brain component , that controls fear and anxiety.

Amygdala, a region of the brain primarily associated with emotional processes. The name amygdala is derived from the Greek word amygdale, meaning "almond," owing to the structure's almondlike shape. The amygdala is located in the medial temporal lobe, just anterior to (in front of) the hippocampus.

The hippocampus plays a critical role in the formation, organization, and storage of new memories as well as connecting certain sensations and emotions to these memories.

Have you ever noticed how a particular scent might trigger a strong memory? It is the hippocampus that plays a role in this connection. The hippocampus is like a computer/ laptop that stores memory files in your brain. If you read or learn something last thing at night the hippocampus will store it to help you remember.

I never knew any of this until my pharmacist pulled me in one day to review my medication and we got on so well that we lost track of time. 😂😂 Anxiety stems from disruption of normal communication networks in the brain. Symptoms of this disorder can include excessive worry about certain issues,for example lack of sleep.Thetefore leading to excessive tiredness down to the person / Anxiety sufferer basically over thinking and emotionally and mentally burning themselves out.

This can lead to sufferers struggling to get out of bed and struggling with motivation and self confidence. In my case I can sometimes go nearly a full day without eating. This probably ain’t my best writing but hope I’ve gave a couple of interesting bits of information. Thanks for stopping by joe 😃

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