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God is imaginary

Updated: Sep 13, 2022

Hi is joe here 😁. Ok time to disect The Greatest Fairytale Ever Told ! . Is God imaginary? Does he really exist ? . Now as the people who follow my posts shall know I was always going to take time on this is as there's that much I won't have the time to cover everything. So where do I start ? Well I've had a good think and all I ask is that the reader keeps an open mind and uses logic and reason. One thing is this ? If everyone just says stop 🛑. And never taught religion until a child was able to think for them selfs at the age that they were able to use common sense and logic . For talkings sake say 14-15 year old children religion would die out. It's forced on young children to believe in a supernatural being by the end of this you will hopefully see that religion is nothing short of telling children to believe in Santa clause or Father Christmas ( if your reading this in the đŸ‡ș🇾) or the Tooth fairy đŸ§šâ€â™€ïž or even the Easter bunny. Ok let's delve deep here . My first bit I would suggest would be high on my list that would suggest God is indeed imaginary. Man created the bible the bible created God therefore God is clearly man made. But let's dig into the facts . Let's THINK LOGICALLY- ( The power of prayer) How might we prove that God is imaginary? One way would be to find a contradiction between the definition of God in the bible and the God we experience in the real world.What would happen if we get down on our knees and pray to God in this way:

Dear God, almighty, all-powerful, all-loving creator of the universe, At 12 midday the entire population 🌎 we humans pray to you to cure every case of cancer on this planet tonight as well as H.I.V and also bring and end to the war in Ukraine đŸ‡ș🇩 . We pray in faith, knowing you will bless us as you describe in Matthew 7:7, Matthew 17:20, Matthew 21:21, Mark 11:24, John 14:12-14, Matthew 18:19 and James 5:15-16. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.

We pray sincerely, knowing that when God answers this completely heartfelt, unselfish, non-materialistic prayer, it will glorify God and help millions of people in remarkable ways.

Will anything happen? No. Of course not.

However This is very odd. Why ? Because Jesus makes specific promises ( remember that word promise means )in the Bible about how prayer is supposed to work.If the Bible is literally true, then something is seriously amiss. The power or prayer will always be answered," according to the bible" if every country in the 🌎 prays for an end to the war in Ukraine đŸ‡ș🇩 and a cure for H.IV and also cancer ? Nothing I mean NOTHING will happen.If you are an intelligent, rational human being ? The Bible clearly promises that God answers prayers. Yet when we pray, nothing happens. What Jesus says about prayer in the Bible clearly is not true. Therefore, one of two things must be happening: God is imaginary. God does exist, but he never answers prayers. Unfortunately, God is defined by the Bible to be a prayer-answering being. The contradiction between the reality of God and the definition of God proves that God is imaginary. In fact, we have ample scientific evidence to demonstrate that the belief in prayer is nothing but superstition.God is supposed to be an all-powerful, all-knowing, perfect being. Have a clear think and moment to gloss over This statement, "Nothing will be impossible for you", along with the other Bible verses quoted in many places for example as described in Matthew 7:7, Matthew 17:20, Matthew 21:21, Mark 11:24, John 14:12-14, Matthew 18:19 and James 5:15-16 along with many other places " the fact is the power of prayer doesn't work and never has ! the claims are clearly false. The fact of the matter is crystal clear , lots of things are impossible for you. Unfortunately, the FACT is that thousands of things are impossible for you no matter how much you pray, and no one (including Jesus) has ever moved a mountain. In order to see the truth, you need be able to See through the lies. The fact is, God does not answer prayers. The reason why God does not answer your prayers is simple: God is imaginary. A lot of people like the idea of heaven because it gives them a comfort blanket that they will see their loved ones again or indeed some people turn to religion out of fear for the bad things they have done in their life and don't like the idea of Hell. When we hear about NDE ( near death experiences) we hear a lot about a calming light and other things. This makes sense and the reality is down to maybe ( example) a person suffering a heart attack, this phenomenon is easily explained, it's to do with the brain not getting enough oxygen and and our bodys release of certain chemicals ( Ketamine) being a prime example . Look at how many people have came back and says they were talking to Satan? Not that many ?.Billions of people do believe in Jesus Christ." This strength-in-numbers rationalization may feel comforting, but it is meaningless. The fact that millions of people worship a god is meaningless. It was once the case that most people believed the world to be flat. Widespread belief did not change the fact that the world is a sphere. The scientific and observational evidence that we have available today is undeniable -- the world is a sphere. Think about this logically? A Christian might say, "God answer's the minister's prayers -- he sends people to give money to the church!" If this is the case, then the people are puppets, and God is stealing their money by forcing them to give it to the church. The absurdity of that situation is obvious. If God was really answering the prayers of the minister, there would be no need for the offering plate. God would provide the money that the church needs, not people!!. This points to God being imaginary. We are told by the Bible that Jesus appeared to hundreds of people. Also think of the following points . Really really think logically.? We know that it is OK for Jesus to appear to people -- We know that it would be easy for Jesus to appear to everyone all through history, since Jesus is all-powerful and timeless. We know that, if Jesus did reappear to everyone, it would be incredibly helpful. We would all know, personally, that Jesus is resurrected and that Jesus is God. If Paul (and all the other people in the Bible) needed a personal visit to know that Jesus was resurrected, then why not you and me?Yet, we all know that Jesus has not appeared to anyone in 2,000 years. Many believers will try to rationalize Jesus' absence by pointing to his famous statement in the Bible, "Happy are those who have not seen yet still believe."

If you think about this statement, what you realize is that it creates the perfect cover for a scam. It's blatantly obvious! God is completely and absolutely silent. Therefore, the only thing we hear from God comes from people who are speaking on his behalf. If you would like to understand how imaginary God is, all that you have to do is listen to God's spokespeople for example "The Pope" in many cases these people are fanatics , think of the 911 atrocities, science flys us to the moon but religion flys people into skyscrapers, that's only one example they are many many more If there actually were a God, and if he actually had anything to do with love, he would silence these people.If God was real, he would speak for himself. The fact that God does not speak, and that he allows any lunatic or fanatic comes along to speak "in his name," shows us that God is quite imaginary. Think of Noah's ark and the great flood. It was said to be higher than the tallest mountain. This is clearly nonsense and a LIE , think of hikers who have reached the (death zone) on Mount Everest many have died and there bodys remain frozen in time over 200 in fact . The most famous being a hiker dubbed "Mr Green boots" as his body is used as a checkpoint for hikers to know exactly where they are as the try to reach the summit .Humans need oxygen to climb and to reach Mount Everests peak. Because the air at that height is extremely thin, the fact of the matter is straight forward, Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the World 🌎, so Noah would have died of both asphyxia and also hypoxia. As for the animals it's impossible for two of every species to have all been fertile also the animals would have died through bacteria 🩠 Piss and shit . So there you have it folks God is highly likely to be imaginary. Religion divides more people than it unites . I hope you enjoyed reading this joe.

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