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The Hangover Effect

It is a known fact that people can become sick from drinking. This is usually the following day. In fact a “Hangover” is a term millions of people worldwide use to describe how they feel after a night of “heavy” drinking . If someone ate so much that they were often physically sick , then we would be thinking that the individual had very real problems that the person needed to address. The same applies to people who drink so much that they become sick. The first thing we have to consider here is ? Why the fuck ? Would anyone drink so much alcohol that they become I’ll ? , if you or I were thirsty we might crave a glass of water or juice or even soda ( if your in America 🇺🇸) in Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 we call it irn bru 😁. The point is once we quench our thirst the craving goes. So then does the desire to have a glass of water , juice, irn bru , soda 🥤. If we just use water as an example then we wouldn’t keep on drinking it for no reason. It would become distasteful, unpleasant then repulsive 🤢. Even then we would have to go some way beyond this before we started throwing it up. This is because our bodies have several fail safe mechanisms to stop us from poisoning ourselves. WHY? don’t these apply to alcohol ? Well Alcohol anaesthetises the receptors in our brain that trigger nausea. It is possible to vomit 🤢 on the night a person has drank too much alcohol and also again the next morning. The reason for vomiting that evening and the following day is the same. This is due to the amount of alcohol consumption causing a very real threat to the individuals life, so the nausea receptors are triggered despite the fact that the person in question is anaesthetised. As stated in one of my earlier blogs anxiety also plays a part in people drinking the next day as it takes away any feelings of nervousness or shame or guilt. Anyways let me explain why people tend to feel ill the day after and not on the actual night of heavy drinking. Let’s remember first of all that alcohol is a poison. First off the human body removes alcohol from the system, metabolising it. During this process it is turned into a substance called acetaldehyde. Any food or drink contaminated with the amount of acetaldehyde that a unit of alcohol produces would be banned due to health risks. What the drinker is actually doing is taking a poison that leaves us feeling extremely unwell. The anaesthetic effect of alcohol means we can’t sense becoming unwell. It’s not that we are not unwell the night before the “ HANGOVER” it’s just that the body doesn’t recognise it. I hope this explains why people can get in such a bad way from drinking too much. I’m glad I stopped drinking and I don’t miss it. Hope if you read this then I’ve gave you an alternative way of looking at things. Thanks for stopping by. Many thanks joe. 2/8/22

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