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Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow

Updated: Jul 30, 2023


Evening all first of all thanks for stopping by . Hopefully youl come back. I've decided to write about forgiveness as I never went into that properly in fact I didn't mention it at all via my last blog " Not fitting in". The reason being that's how I felt at that moment in time. This blog is who I am . I titled this Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow. Those in recovery circles will be familiar with that , it's a great reading and actually the catalyst behind this. I'm writing with 1 finger on my phone, sorry I don't space things out. Where do I start ? when you think of forgiveness? What is your idea of forgiveness? Well think about it ? WHEN YOU'RE DEAD, YOU DON'T KNOW YOU'RE DEAD, THE PAIN IS FELT BY OTHERS.

The same rule of thumb applies while we are alive. The other night I wrote a blog ? A lot of it I spoke about my father and growing up. What I never covered or mentioned was the fact that I was only talking about my own experience. Just because of a turbulent experience when I was younger dosent mean I hold any resentment. My dad was only 20 when he had me he was a young man. Just because someone makes mistakes dosent mean they should be constantly chastised for the rest of their life and constantly reminded of them. Me and my dad haven't had an argument for a long time. This isn't about my dad .However he probably felt hurt if he read what I wrote but I love him deep down he just frustrates me. It's the distance and lack of understanding Any argument or crossed words over the years have 95% of the time been alcohol induced and I do take my share of the blame. My dad has changed as he's got older in a good way . I guess it's cause I'm deeper than the Indian Ocean and hold too much in to myself then it's gets too much for me.

This brings me to Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow. NOBODY AND I MEAN NOBODY. Can undo a single word they said or go back on a broken promise from yesterday and mend it . Sometimes promises can be broken unintentionally due to unforeseen circumstances, emergencies or feeling unwell. Facts will always be Facts and part of how we live and learn , for example history. A fact can't be altered. And the fact is all the things we did wrong no matter how big or small can't be undone. I wish I could undo half the stuff in my life but yesterday is gone forever beyond our control, dwelling on yesterday will NEVER make ourselves happy we will only become resentful, bitter and miserable. So that takes us on to TODAY.

TODAY is something we do have an element of control through the choices that we make. I have learned to live " undeterred " in the words of my friend Jeff. We can go down two roads one of bitterness and hate ? Or one of forgiveness and let go of all the baggage weighing us down. They say a leopard can't change its spots but any person male or female can change their attitude. When you bring gratitude into your life then it unlocks unlimited potential. Strangers become friends. Family's heal, broken friendships are fixed. That's just a few things. Now let's talk about tomorrow?

If your thinking of tomorrow? we have no stake as tomorrow just like children it is yet to be born What's the point of worrying or stressing over something you might not see? That brings me back to today.

When it comes to TODAY ? What have you done ? Has it been productive? Have you helped someone ? Have you maybe tried to do something different or tried new things ? Why not? What are you waiting for ? Don't count your days make your days COUNT !! I just spoke from my heart and don't know if this made any sense but if you did read it then thank you . Joe 10/6/23

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