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Through the eyes of addiction

How many years are you sober from Alcohol or Drug free? 5 days ? 5 months ? 50 years ? It dosent matter if the choice is Alcohol a legal drug or an illegal udrug .Addiction is Addiction . I am hoping what you are about to read is thought provoking and a bit different from what you'd normally hear in any traditional recovery program.

I am using both my own personal experience aswell as input and insights from people I've spoken to throughout my own journey. I hope to keep "YOU "engaged enough to keep reading 😀. So let's crack on .

When someone for whatever reason has abused a drug for so long their body and mind have became dependent on it they literally can't concentrate until " that drink " or one hit takes away the cravings . Temporarily, they feel relief and they tell themselves meaningfully that they are quitting for good .Believe it or not these people at that moment in time mean it.

However after " that drink " or " one hit" wears off suddenly the mental agony of stopping causes that person to paint a picture full of misery and despair that borders on mission impossible. There are several methods of quitting any drug.

A big problem with society is that even in the medical profession an accurate picture of all the intricacies of each particular drug is is not fully understood. Think about it it logically?

It is the addicts themselves that are best placed to judge whether what they are being told about certain drugs resonates or not. They know the facts from the fiction.

If an addict is being told that there is no plus side whatsoever to any particular drug, this alone won't stop them or if they are sober ? It dosent help to prevent a relapse why? It's common sense, the addict knows that there is a plus side.

"Everydose of their particular drug has given them a pleasant boost"

Here lies the key if you are able to explain the actual logical scientific reasons of why a particular drug does not have a plus side?. As in reality the so called "boost" is actually only a short reprieve from an unpleasant feeling caused by the drug of choice being used in the first place.

By explaining this then you can properly convince them and disrupt the addiction process by both preventing the the picture of doom being painted in turn helping to prevent craving and the mental agony of stopping.

On the other hand, if the information you are going about telling people about any particular drug is of their choice is deemed to be incorrect or incomplete they will absolutely sense this.

All addiction no matter the drug of choice exists because a part of the addict's brain misses the drug and the addict feels deprived and miserable when they stop taking it. They feel they are missing out . They probably are missing out. However not in the way an addict thinks. Missing out on healing broken down marriages and relationships, and also friendships, and most of all living a happy fulfilling life.

If you can remove all the desire to take any particular drug then the addiction ceases to exist. Nobody has to go to AA meetings or NA meetings everyday for the rest of there life to quit that's a myth. We were not born addicted so YOU can decide through YOUR own free will wether or not YOU die addicted.

Think of addiction as a loan shark, a loan shark that doesn't deal in money, however , it does deal in feelings. It takes you straight to good feelings, and you pay it back with bad feelings shame , remorse and unhappiness. And just like any other loan shark, addiction will always, ALWAYS takes WAY much more than it gives.

The next time the so called demons enter your head, don't let them manifest instead counteract them. Make a concious effort to see things realistically. When us addicts stop, " be it alcohol" "or any other drug" we usually fantasise about our addiction and what it would feel like.

Fantasising is exactly what it is .It is nothing more than a fantasy. A fantasy where we imagine if we cut out all the bad parts we can somehow convince ourselves it's something good. There's nothing good about addiction. Don't let fantasy be your reality.

It's better to be creative than destructive, it's better to leave behind a legacy than leave behind nothing. @Joeyoung2021 ( Twitter) thanks for stopping by or doing a runner 😂. Joe 4/7/23

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